Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back to Work

Ooooo I am so sad to be going back to work. I can't believe it is that time already. I was never one of those people who thought I could be a stay at home mom. While I don't think I could just stay home, I would like a few more months at home and then only a part time return to work. I am returning slowly, I am only working 4-5 hours a day for the first week and then slowly increasing until the first of November when I will then work 4/9 hour days. Tomorrow won't be too bad because it is Columbus Day and Dustin is off work. I'm not too worried about it, but Dustin is a little nervous because with the commute Dustin will be home with Jack 5-6 hours tomorrow. To date this is the most time he has spent alone with little Jack. He will do just fine, he is a great dad!

Jack is growing every day. Just last week he started noticing himself in the mirror we have in the car. When you put his car seat in and sees himself he is so cute. He has also been more aware of the toys that are on his car seat as well as the ones that hang over him on the floor. He doesn't really play with them, but he purposefully bats them with his hands. He is talking all the time and smiles big at mom and dad. He smiles at other people too, just more smiles with some people than with others. He likes being read and sang to. I sing to him during his diaper changes and I have a different song I sing depending on which cartoon character is on his diaper...Dustin thinks I am crazy I think, but it makes Jackson smile and that is all that matters.

We had a good last weekend together. Yesterday was spent watching football and baseball. Grandpa Treanor and our friend Jared came over to watch the Ute game. I think grandpa had a great time with his grandson sleeping in his arms. It was a good day the Utes won and the Ducks won (and yes Chuck...even Texas won)! The Red Sox lost, but it makes for a little more exciting long as they win in the end. Today Jack and I went to visit my friend Kelly and her kids and we are going to spend this evening with our friends Brad and Amy. To celebrate my last night of full time momdom we are actually going out for dinner...somewhere with metal forks!!! Hopefully all will go well and I will keep everyone posted on how many tears fall this first week leaving the most important thing in my life with strangers.

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