Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I have finally figured out how to get video onto the computer and put it on the blog. My sister-in-law, Kari, called me the other day and told me that she is constantly checking the blog for new updates so that motivated me to figure this out. Thanks Kari! Although you do know that I will expect you to do the same so I can see my future niece. I must say, please forgive the amateur video, Dustin and I are just learning how to use the camera. The camera actually came in the mail the day we went to the hospital so we did not have any time to practice.

The first video is from Jack's second day of life. It was the first time he was allowed to leave the nursery and come down to our room. You should notice his huge cone head...luckily his head is now a normal size and nice and round.


The second and third video are from when my mom came to visit. I think if she could have she would have held Jackson 24 hours a day. She is such a proud grandma.



The fourth video is from when my dad came to visit. It is a good thing that Grandpa doesn't live too close because Jackson would be walking when he was 4 months old and out backpacking by his first birthday.


All these videos were taken about 2 weeks apart and it is amazing how in such a short time Jack changes so much. I will keep on adding new video to attempt to keep up with his growth (it happens too quickly for me). We did have a bath time video, but we have to re-shoot to maintain a G rating! Watch for "Bath-time" coming to a Blog near you!

1 comment:

Brian D. said...

Nice Vids! Keep 'em coming, and we'll do the same with Janey!