Grandpa Bob came to visit last weekend. Grandma Cindy decided to stay home, she had some work to do and she wanted to give Grandpa some dad and daughter time. While that was very thoughtful we did miss her. Grandpa had not been out since Jack was about 6 weeks old so it was like he was a completely different kid! On Friday afternoon Dustin picked Grandpa up at the airport and then they went to pick Jackson up at school. It was nice for Grandpa to see where Jack spends his days.
That night I told Grandpa I was all worked out and did not want to cook dinner. Grandpa took us out for a delicious Mexican dinner. Jackson has now found his voice and he likes to screech at times. He chose dinner to make a high pitched screeching noise...he was happy but it did get us a few looks from some of the patrons...oh well. The restaurant was noisy and very casual so I didn't worry about it too much. The next morning we went up to Park City to the outlets and Grandpa bought Jackson some stylin' new basketball shorts for the summer.
Later that day Grandpa went with us to the Utah vs TCU basketball game. The game actually was a little on the boring side, the Utes won by 18. Grandpa, Jack and I left a little early because we had to get to the Layton High School wrestling banquet. I told my dad that I had to go and asked him if he would come with me...I think he would have come anywhere with me as long as I had Jack in tow. It was nice, he got to meet some of my wrestlers and their families as well as the coach.
The last day grandpa was here we took Jackson to the Aquarium. Jackson loved looking at all the fish swimming around. There is also a pool to look down and touch the sting rays. While we did not put his hand that deep in the water he did reach into the water and watch the sting rays swim by. All and all I think Grandpa had a great visit...Grandpa is such a good teacher...He and Jackson played basketball, practiced standing and crawling and Grandpa even gave some camera lessons. It was hard for Grandpa to leave, but he is already planning his next trip and this time Grandma Cindy can come visit too!
Of course Jackson has the perpetual runny nose that many day care babies have. Everyone tells me that while babies in day care tend to be sick more often when they are younger once they go to school they tend to be healthier because they have had many of the illnesses already. A couple of weeks ago on a Wednesday Jackson woke up in the morning and he felt quite warm. I took his temperature and he had a temp of 102 degrees. His doctor had told me previously that as long as he is happy, eating and sleeping that a fever even as high as 105 degrees does not necessarily mean I need to bring him in. He was his happy self, just a little on the hot side. I gave him some Tylenol and this brought his temperature down to 99 and we just hung out most of the day. He wanted to be held more and he was a little more grumpy, but overall he was doing well. I did call his doctor to see how long I could use Tylenol to control his fever and she said if he still had a fever in a couple days to bring him in. She also said that if he the fever was not controllable, if he wasn't eating or sleeping to also bring him in sooner. That night was a rough night. He was having a lot of trouble sleeping and he was so hot that night. He wouldn't sleep in in his crib and I had to lie him on my chest to get him to sleep. One time he awoke just screaming in what sounded like a painful cry and it took me about 15 minutes to get him calmed down. I kept up with the Tylenol and by morning his fever had seemed to have broke and he was no longer hot. His day care said I could bring him to school as long as his fever was low grade and he didn't seem sick so Dustin took him to school. About 1 pm I got a call from had called and said Jack had a temperature of 103 degrees. Crap!!! Dustin went to pick him up from school and I called his doctor. His doctor did not have room in her schedule, but one of her partner's had an opening and I scheduled it ASAP. Dustin took him in and sure enough he a had an ear infection and was put on Amoxycillin. He has now finished his antibiotic and he has completely recovered. The biggest problem was getting him back in his bed. The last week has been good, but those little kids are smart. The two nights he spent in bed with us...he decided that this was much better than in his crib alone and it was a little bit of a challenge to reverse things. I wouldn't have done it any different because I needed him in bed with me as much for him to get his sleep as it was form me to get mine because if he is awake so am I. I am glad things have gotten back on bed at 8:30, waking once at night to eat and sleeping in his own bed...things are good at the Treanor house!
OK so I have been a total slacker (sorry Kari!). Brian was giving me a hard time the other night and if we compare blogs have to say that I have far more post total on my blog than he has on his! It just seems like when I have some time to my self with Jackson asleep I am awake for a couple of minutes and then I crash on the couch.
Grammy and Grampy came to visit a couple of weeks ago. It had been over 3 months since their last visit. Jackson sure has changed in that short amount of time. Grammy showed up just after his 7 month birthday and Jackson decided it was time to show off and be the perfect child. I don't think he had one good cry the whole time she was here. Grammy and Grampy arrived on a Saturday morning and we went out to breakfast and that kid sat in a highchair throughout the entire breakfast without one outburst. Of course he was conveniently dropping all of his toys and shiny spoons on the ground for Grammy to pick up.
Later that night we went out to dinner and to the Utah Jazz basketball game. We went to McGrath's for dinner and brought Jackson's dinner of cereal and veggies with us. He ate his dinner like the champ that he is (especially when it comes to eating) and then again sat in the highchair completely content to play with his toys. There was another child in the restaurant who was making quite the scene and I am just hoping that Jackson can maintain his pleasant disposition. After dinner we headed to the Jazz game. I was a little unsure how he would react in such an loud and large arena. It is not like sporting events are foreign to him (9 high school football games, 2 Utah football games, 5 Utah basketball games, a hockey game, 4 wresting tournaments, 6 wrestling duals and many of his dad's softball games). He did just fabulously at the game. He sat on mom and Grammy's laps watching the game and people around him as well as chewing on his toys.
The rest of Grammy and Grampy's trip was spent doing a little shopping and hanging out. Jackson seems to always get spoiled when his grandparents are in town. When it was time to go it wasn't hard to see that Grammy didn't want to leave him. It is so much fun to have family visit because he is so interactive. He smiles, laughs and talks up a storm. Jackson is looking forward to many more visits from Grammy and Grampy.